Configuring touch-pad settings on the i3 window manager

Configuring touch-pad settings on the i3 window manager

Anyone who has used i3 will be aware of the extreme bare-bones package that it is out of the box. Depending on which distribution of Linux it is being installed in, everything from the terminal to the web browser to the volume key configurations.

Although it might seem quite daunting at first, text files eventually allow for a greater degree of control of each individual part of the OS.

Initially, the touch-pad does not have the tap-to-click functionality. In order to enable it, we must go to the file that contains the touch-pad configuration settings - 40-libinput.conf

The 40-libinput.conf configuration file is located in the below location


Once having navigated to the location, open the configuration file using you're preferred text editor.


The configuration file, libinput is a library which handles input devices in Wayland compositors and generic X.Org input drivers.

If you visit the wiki page for libinput, the configuration details of the mouse and touch-pad devices are displayed there.


In order to enable touch-to-click and two finger scrolling, add the following instructions as shown in the image below


After having done that, restart i3-wm using the shortcut ctrl+r for the changes to take effect.