2FA a.k.a 2 factor authentication is an authentication process in which a user goes through more than one type of authentication method in order to verify themselves to the system. In the case of 2FA, it is two verification methods, i.e password and a four digit security pin.
The Lab:
Bypassing two-factor authentication is described as once the user logs in successfully with basic credentials, upon reaching the second authentication process, they are technically logged in to the system. This means it may be possible to skip the second authentication and jump directly into the system.
The lab instruction are to use the credentials provided in order to access the their account page, thereby bypassing the two-factor authentication.
Upon accessing the lab, in the homepage, first go to the my account page.
Submit the username and password
Upon reaching the second authentication page - four digit security code - click the link for lab home, to redirect from the authentication.
Upon loading the home page, go to the account section,
and once the target users account is accessed , the lab is completed.