Access Control - Privilege Escalation Lab

Access Control - Privilege Escalation Lab

Access control of an application authorizes users to access specific resources based on their user type. In web applications, access control is dependent on the following:

  • Authentication: confirms that the user is who they say they are

  • Session management: identifies the http requests being made by the user

Access control ensures that authenticated user is allowed to carry out the actions in the requests they are making.

Vertical Privilege Escalation:

A privilege escalation in which a user can gain access to control or resources which should normally not be of access to him/her is known as vertical privilege escalation. At the most basic, vertical privilege escalation takes place when applications do not enforce protection to sensitive functionality


The aim of this lab is to access the admin panel as a normal user and delete the account of another user.

In the description of the lab, a couple of hints are provided

The first hint: a basic way to access the administrative panel is to identify the URL used to access it.

And second:

A website has a text file called robots.txt which contains a list of pages of the website, including the administrative URL

In the beginning we are greeted with the default products screen

In the beginning, we are greeting with the default products page

From here, we can attempt to look for the admin page by testing with the word "admin"

However this will only lead to a 404 error

Instead if we try to access the robots.txt file, the text file comes into view, which provides a view of the admin page URL.

Now when the admin page URL is accessed, the users stored in the page comes into view, along with the delete button.

Once the respective user is deleted, the lab is solved as is displayed